The Global Traveler Experience
The Global Traveler Experience changes the hospitality paradigm and creates a whole new business model in which the hotel industry can manage and oversee the visitor’s complete experience, while at the same time giving the global traveler an easier way to fully customize their journey.
In a limited resource market, the hotel industry can be greatly affected by even small fluctuations in market conditions. However, when new processes are put in place to allow for multi-generational adaptation, the probability of success increases.
For over 100 years, the hospitality industry has retained a “good enough” model and managed to maintain profitability. Unfortunately, the last few years have shown that limited adaptability affects stability in the face of global chaos. We believe that we have a solution that can benefit both the hospitality industry AND the global traveler in a way that can foster multi-generational trust from visitors and their families as well as financial growth and stability for the hotels and locations where they stay.
The following is a short clip of a longer presentation that will provide you with an introduction to the large and positive impact the hotel and hospitality industry can make for all travelers on the planet.
For more information and a viewing of the full presentation contact The Savant Design Group, LLC by email at gte2022@savantllc.com